What is a Speed Awareness Course?

What is a Speed Awareness Course

Introduction to Speed Awareness Courses

Definition of a Speed Awareness Course

A Speed Awareness Course is an educational programme designed for motorists who have been detected exceeding the speed limit but by a margin that falls within prosecutorial discretion.

Rather than receiving penalty points on their driving licence and a fine, eligible drivers are offered the opportunity to attend this course to understand the dangers of speeding and learn safer driving behaviours.

The main goal is to reduce the likelihood of future speeding and improve road safety.

Origins and Purpose of the Course

The concept of the Speed Awareness Course originated as part of a broader strategy to enhance road safety through education rather than solely through penalties.

Initiated in the early 2000s, these courses serve as an alternative to more punitive measures, aiming to positively influence driver behaviour by increasing awareness of speed limits and the consequences of exceeding them.

The purpose is twofold: to educate drivers about the risks associated with speeding and to encourage compliance with traffic laws, ultimately reducing the number of casualties and accidents on roads.

The Legal Basis for Speed Awareness Courses in the UK

The legal framework for Speed Awareness Courses in the UK is underpinned by various road traffic regulations and the discretion afforded to police forces across the country.

Road traffic regulations

These courses are sanctioned under the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988, which allows for corrective education as an alternative to prosecution.

Each police force in the UK has the authority to offer these courses based on their local policies and the specifics of the speeding offence, including the speed limit exceeded and the driver’s history.

Structure of the Course

Typical Duration and Format of the Course

A Speed Awareness Course typically lasts for about four hours. It is structured to include both theoretical and interactive sessions, providing a comprehensive overview of:

  • Speed management
  • Road safety
  • The impact of speeding on the community and the individual driver.

The course format is designed to be engaging and informative, encouraging participation and discussion among attendees.

Structure of the Course

Key Topics Covered in the Course

Several key topics are covered during a Speed Awareness Course. These include understanding:

  • The types of roads and speed limits
  • The dangers posed by speeding
  • The environmental impact of excessive speed
  • Techniques for speed management
  • The relationship between speed and road accidents.
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Additionally, courses often incorporate case studies and statistical data to underline the real-world implications of speeding.

Methods of Delivery: In-Person and Online Options

A speed awareness course will take 3 hours in-person, or 2:45 hours online, to complete and will take place with 9 other delegates online, or up to 24 in-person.

The in-person sessions are typically held at venues like conference centres or hotels and are led by trained professionals.

In-Person and Online Options

In contrast, online courses provide flexibility, allowing participants to attend from home at scheduled times via a secure platform.

Both delivery methods aim to ensure that the content is accessible and effective in conveying the essential messages about speed awareness and road safety.

Eligibility and Enrolment

Who is Eligible for a Speed Awareness Course?

Eligibility for a Speed Awareness Course is determined based on several factors, including:

  • The severity of the speeding offence
  • The driver’s previous driving record.

Typically, drivers are eligible if they have been caught speeding slightly above the legal limit but not excessively so (usually within 10% + 2 mph of the limit).

Additionally, it is required that the driver has not attended a Speed Awareness Course within the last three years for the same type of offence.

The decision to offer a place on the course is at the discretion of the local police force handling the offence, and not all police forces may offer this option for all types of speeding violations.

How to Enrol in a Course

Once a driver has been deemed eligible for a course, they will receive a notification letter from the police or a designated course provider.

This letter will include instructions on how to enrol in the course. Typically, the driver must register for the course within a specified timeframe, usually 14 days from the date of the notification.


Enrolment can often be completed online through a dedicated booking system, over the phone, or by post, depending on the provider.

Book a National Driver Offender Retraining Scheme course

Costs Associated with the Course

Attending a Speed Awareness Course involves a fee, which generally ranges from £80 to £100.

This cost covers the expenses of administering the course, including venue hire, materials provided, and the services of the instructors.

It is important to note that the cost of the course is usually comparable to or slightly higher than the fine that would be incurred for the speeding offence, but attending the course avoids the imposition of penalty points on the driver’s licence.

Benefits of Attending a Speed Awareness Course

Avoiding Penalty Points on Your Licence

One of the primary benefits of attending a Speed Awareness Course is the opportunity to avoid receiving penalty points on your driving licence.

Accumulating penalty points can lead to higher insurance premiums and the risk of losing your licence if you accumulate too many points over time.

By completing the course, drivers maintain a cleaner licence, which can have significant long-term benefits for their driving record and legal standing.

Educational Benefits and Improved Driving Habits

The course is designed not just to spare drivers from penalties but also to provide significant educational benefits.

Participants learn about:

  • Safe driving practices
  • Consequences of speeding
  • Strategies to avoid speeding in the future.

This education can lead to improved driving habits, reducing the likelihood of future offences and contributing to overall road safety.

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The interactive nature of the course also allows drivers to learn from each other’s experiences and misconceptions about speeding.

Insurance Implications and Financial Benefits

While attending a Speed Awareness Course can have an upfront cost, it can offer financial benefits in the long run.

One of the major advantages is the potential for lower car insurance premiums. Insurance companies often view completion of a speed awareness course positively when assessing a driver’s risk profile, which can lead to more favourable insurance rates.

Additionally, by avoiding penalty points, drivers sidestep the increases in insurance premiums typically associated with points accumulation, thereby gaining long-term financial savings.

Impact on Driving Record and Legal Consequences

How Attendance is Recorded

The fact that a driver has attended a Speed Awareness Course is recorded by the course provider and communicated back to the relevant police force.

This record is not marked as a conviction on the driver’s licence; instead, it is kept in a database accessible by police and course providers to verify whether a driver has completed a course within the requisite three-year period.

This prevents drivers from repeatedly using the course as an alternative to receiving penalty points for similar offences.

Long-Term Impact on Driving Records

The long-term impact on a driver’s record from attending a Speed Awareness Course is generally positive, as it avoids the addition of penalty points that could accumulate towards a driving disqualification.

However, it is important to note that the record of attendance could be considered by insurers when assessing policy rates and conditions.

While most insurers do not penalise drivers for attending a speed awareness course, they may ask about course attendance when calculating insurance premiums.

Legal Obligations After Completing the Course

After completing a Speed Awareness Course, drivers have specific legal obligations. Primarily, they must continue to abide by all traffic laws; completion of the course does not confer any immunity against future offences.

Should a driver commit further speeding offences, the fact that they have previously attended a speed awareness course does not necessarily mitigate the severity of potential penalties, particularly if the new offence occurs outside the three-year exemption period.

Alternatives and Additional Resources

When a Speed Awareness Course is Not an Option

In situations where a Speed Awareness Course is not offered, such as when the speeding offence is too severe or if the driver has a recent prior attendance, the alternative is usually to accept the penalty points and fine associated with the offence.

In more severe cases, it could also lead to a court summons where higher penalties and even disqualification from driving might be considered.

Other Educational Courses for Drivers

For drivers interested in further improving their driving skills or who are ineligible for a speed awareness course, there are several other educational courses available.


These include Defensive Driving Courses, which focus on techniques to prevent road accidents, and Driver Improvement Schemes, often recommended by traffic officers following other types of driving offences or accidents.

Continuing Education and Safe Driving Practices

Continuing education on safe driving practices is essential for all drivers, not just those who have committed offences.

Many organisations, including local councils and driving schools, offer workshops and resources to help drivers stay updated on road safety, vehicle maintenance, and the latest traffic laws.

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Engaging in these educational opportunities can help maintain high driving standards and contribute to overall road safety.

Frequently asked questions

A Speed Awareness Course is an educational session designed to help drivers understand the dangers and legal consequences of speeding.

It serves as an alternative to receiving penalty points and a fine for minor speeding offences.

Eligibility is typically offered to drivers who have committed a minor speeding offence, generally within 10% + 2 mph of the limit, and who haven’t attended another speed awareness course within the last three years.

You will be notified by the police or a designated course provider if you are eligible to attend the course, usually through a letter that includes details on how to enrol.

The cost ranges between £80 and £100, depending on the local area and the provider. This fee covers the course delivery and materials.

If you decide not to attend, or are not eligible for the course, you will need to face the standard penalties for your speeding offence, which typically includes a fine and penalty points on your licence.

Yes, many providers offer online courses as well as in-person sessions. Online courses are designed to provide the same level of education and are conducted in real-time to ensure interactivity.

A typical Speed Awareness Course lasts approximately four hours, including breaks. The course is designed to be comprehensive yet concise enough to fit within a half-day session.

The course covers:

  • The impact of speeding on road safety
  • Understanding speed limits
  • Techniques for controlling speed
  • Environmental impact of speeding

Among other topics aimed at promoting safer driving habits.

Completing the course does not add penalty points to your licence but it will be recorded that you have completed the course. This record is used to ensure that drivers do not repeatedly use the course to avoid penalties.

Besides avoiding penalty points, the course aims to improve your knowledge and awareness about road safety, which can help reduce the likelihood of future offences and contribute to better driving habits overall.

This can also positively influence car insurance premiums, as some insurers consider course completion a sign of a responsible driver.